- Etransfer is our most popular method of donations. If you wish to use that method, use the Contact Us form and mention that you would like to donate via etransfer. We will send you an email with the email address ( to protect that email address from spam.) Remember that CRA requires us to have your legal name and address to issue a charitable donation receipt. We need your email address to send by receipt by email or it will be mailed to your last known mailing address. Having your phone number is also helpful to contact you if email does not work.
2. Donate in person at our Sunday Services 9:30AM
3. Mail a cheque to:
On line giving is available through Canada Helps through
Meadowbrook Community Church | Charity Profile | Donate Online | Canadahelps
Meadowbrook Community Church | Charity Profile | Donate Online | Canadahelps
Canada Helps charges a small fee through this method.
All enquiries as to receipting should be through the Contact Us form.
thanks for helping Meadowbrook Church’s ministries